Trade Information

Clearspring Distribution World Map

Wholesalers & Distributors

Marketing Libraries

Below are links to our Trade Marketing Library. Here you'll have access to everything you need, including Company Presentations, Label Artwork, Marketing Material, Pack Shots and Product Specifications.

It's password protected, so if you don't have a password yet please contact our Sales Office Team.

UK Marketing Library

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Export Marketing Library

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Clearspring at Trade Fairs & Events

We will keep you updated about our participation.

Clearspring in the Press

Soil Association LogoSoil Association Certification

For more information please visit:

Skal LogoSkal Certification

Demeter LogoDemeter Biodynamic Certification

Vegan Society Logo

Vegan Society Certification

Organic Trade Board Member

The Organic Trade Board (OTB) has one mission: to grow organic sales in the UK. They do this by communicating the benefits of organic directly with consumers via our organic promotion campaign. They also work with their members, the press, government and other bodies to help increase organic sales.

Food For Life Catering - Supplier Member

We are proud to be part of the Soil Association's "Food For Life Catering" scheme, bringing caterers and suppliers together to provide fresh food you can trust.

For more information please visit:

GFF LogoThe Guild Of Fine Food - Producer Member

At the heart of the fine food world since 1995, the Guild supports and promotes speciality food producers and the independent delis, farm shops and food halls that sustain them. Backed by 1,300 members, it runs the influential Great Taste and World Cheese Awards.

GFF Logo

Great Taste Producer

Great Taste is the world’s largest and most trusted food and drink awards and Clearspring have been awarded the prestigious Great Taste Producer award, which can only be used by producers with a proven track record of winning Great Taste Awards for a minimum of three years in a row.

Safety of Japanese Imports

We appreciate the continuing need for reassurance regarding our Japanese imports since the earthquake and nuclear incident affecting northern Japan on March 11th, 2011. We have been monitoring developments closely and are pleased to assure you that we maintain full confidence in the safety of our products. Read more here (PDF).