Beetroot, Asparagus & Firm Tofu with Su-Miso

Beetroot, Asparagus & Firm Tofu with Su-Miso - Clearspring

This starter is so simple, yet so delicious. The the sweet miso dressing works with any seasonal vegetable too, so don't be afraid to experiment!

Serves 4 - Preparation time 30 mins


  • 4 beetroots
  • 8 large asparagus
  • 200g firm tofu
  • Small handful of watercress


  1. Squeeze water out from firm tofu by place it between chopping board for about 1-2 hours. You can do this a day before and keep the tofu in the fridge.
  2. To make su-miso, put all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix well until the sauce becomes smooth and sticky.
  3. Cook beetroots until they become easy to put a tooth pick through. This takes long time in a normal pan, so the process will be quicker if you use a pressure cooker. Alternatively you can obtain already cooked ones, but not pickled ones.
  4. Trim asparagus bottom and peel the bottom end. Then boil them with a pinch of salt for 3 minutes or until just cooked. Asparagus should retain crunchiness. Drain under cold water and dry them. Cut them into 3 cm long.  Slice beetroots into 8 segments.
  5. Slice the squeezed tofu into about 1cm thick in keeping the size with the beetroot and asparagus.
  6. Assemble asparagus, beetroots and tofu in a wide flat bowl (soup or dessert bowl) and pour the sauce over the vegetables. Garnish with a small watercress or any herbs with your choice.


Reiko HashimotoReiko Hashimoto

Reiko was born in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. She grew up in a traditional Japanese family with a food-fanatic mother, who has shaped her love of Japanese cooking today.

London has been Reiko's home for the last 14 years and she runs Hashi Cooking, a Japanese cookery school, from her home in Wimbledon.  Reiko offers classes and courses  for absolute beginners, right through to professional chefs.  Reiko's philosophy is to make authentic Japanese cookery accessible to all.

In 2011, Reiko released her first cookbook - 'Hashi, A Japanese Cookery Course', based on many of the recipes from her courses.  The book has been a great success amongst beginners and professional chefs and she is in the process of writing a second.

Reiko has also appeared in the media, featuring on programmes such as Good Food Live and The Great British Kitchen, working with notable chefs John Torode, Gino D'Acampo and Hardeep Singh Kholi.

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